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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

About Us

COIN Charity Campaign - Orphan Care Appeal - Donate
About COIN Canada contact
About Us

COIN Canada: Children of Islamic Nations

COIN Canada is a registered Canadian Charitable Organization. It strives to uplift underprivileged children and women in areas of education and health in poor and developing countries. COIN is also at the forefront of helping in emergency relief at home and abroad. 

Receiving generous financial support from the community, COIN takes pride in its accountability to donors. All efforts made to ensure that funds earmarked for our Causes are used efficiently.

COIN Canada Facts

Everything You Need to Know About COIN Canada

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To contribute towards the self-reliance of the world’s poor communities through our support in worthy projects aimed at sustainable improvements in children’s health, education, and well-being.
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To provide hope, dignity and self-reliance to disadvantaged children and their families through the generosity of individual Canadians and Granting Agencies.


Hear from Those You’ve Helped

Meet Our People

COIN Canada's Dedicated Board of Directors

Did you know that COIN Canada is run by a volunteer board?

Dure Atiq


Dr. Aziz Khan

Vice President

Ahmed Shaikh


Sadia Wattoo


Sofia Yaqub


Ghulam Nabi Chaudhry


Farha Kharadi


G. M. Khan


Tania Fatmi


Expression of Our Gratitude…

Your financial support has given COIN opportunities to provide relief, save lives, preserve human dignity, and provide hope. COIN’s projects have made a huge and lasting difference in these communities. COIN has over 40 years of history in Edmonton, Canada and does not charge any administrative expenses. Almost all of the money raised goes towards the projects indicated.

We extend our very sincere thanks to our supporters, donors, and volunteers.

Volunteer with COIN to make a difference!